The distance between the refreshment stands is 440 feet
<h3>Calculating distance </h3>
From the question, we are to determine how far apart are the refreshment stands in feet
From the given information,
The parade route is 3/4 mile long
There are refreshment stands at the <u>beginning</u> and <u>end</u> of the route. And there will also be <u>8 refreshment stands</u> along the route.
This means there will be 10 refreshment stands in all.
If there are 10 refreshment stands in all, then there will be 9 spaces between the refreshment stands.
∴ The distance between <u>any two refreshment</u> stands will be
3/4 mile ÷ 9 = 3/36 mile = 1/12 mile
Now, we will convert this to feet
NOTE: 1 mile = 5280 feet
∴ 1/12 mile = 1/12 × 5280 feet
= 440 feet
Hence, the distance between the refreshment stands is 440 feet.
Learn more on Calculating distance here: