abusive or threatening speech or writing that expresses prejudice against a particular group, especially on the basis of race, religion, or sexual orientation.
School and community have a major impact in enhancing the active citizenship of the person.
School is a domicile to progress dynamic citizenship in students. Active citizenship is the amalgamation of information, assertiveness, skills and action that aims to build a democratic society.
Unseen curriculum which teaches values that is not formally prescribed in the educational curriculum in schools can play a major role in inducing active citizenship in the minds of the people.
Making the minority also study in the same school to ensure solidarity which develops active citizenship. Educational programs must be tailored in such a manner that it imparts the feeling of empathy and tolerance in the minds of the students.
Ganadería industrial:
1. Se suele hacer en espacios cerrados donde los animales viven en condiciones casi que de hacinamiento con el fin de hacer más eficiente el uso del recurso físico.
2. Los animales suelen ser alimentados con concentrados específicos que tienen el efecto de estimular el crecimiento muscular y de engorde tan rápido como sea posible.
3. La producción de carne o lácteos está orientada a la gran industria, y se lleva a cabo en grandes volúmenes.
Ganadería artesanal:
1. Los animales están en espacio abierto, tanto en pequeñas fincas (minifundios), como grandes pastos (latifundios de ganadería extensiva).
2. Los animales son alimentados de forma natural, principalmente de pasto.
3. La producción suele ser a menor escala, y en muchas ocasiones, con el fin de contribuir a la manutención del pequeño ganadero y su familia.
The correct answer to this open question is the following.
the motives for mergers and acquisitions that apply to Charter’s acquisition of Time Warner Cable was that Charter wanted to consolidate ist big business to form a big conglomerated in the Industry of Mass Media Communications. The merger allowed Charter to increase its entertainment offer due to the fact that Time Warner already had a respectable and well-positioned place in the industry. The agreement was reached on May 26, 2015, in amicable terms.
We are referring to the book "Mergers, Acquisitions, and Other Restructuring Activities," written by Donald M. DePamphilis.