Shariah is an Islamic law obtained from the teachings of the Quran and of Muhammad. It is not a list of rules but rather a set of principles on aspects of life, including marriage, divorce, finance and rituals such as fasting and prayer.
The word Sharia literally translates to "the way." As mentioned above, the law outlines how Muslims should conduct themselves in various aspects of their lives, including their personal lives, their responsibilities to society, their religious beliefs, as well as their finances.
Patriots had a stronger argument
The Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution is the one that establishes rights that are related to criminal prosecutions. This amendment belongs to the Bill of Rights proposed by James Madison.
One of the central ideas of the amendment is that individual freedoms are protected in more ways than those contained in the Constitution and in amendments I-V. For example, the amendment promises the right to a speedy and public trial for the accused. It also mandates an impartial jury of the State and an Assistance of Counsel for the defence of the accused. All of these factors contribute to making trials fairer and more just. They also extend individual rights beyond those previously mentioned in the Bill of Rights.
They basically was technically their spouses housekeeper. They had to make the children look presentable when the man comes home. Had to have a hot plate on the table. The house had to be spotless.