In order to ensure the power supply is capable of meeting system requirements, it should be rated 30% over the expected capacity.
- To avoid a system failure during the operations, it is advised that the power supply is rated 30% more than the actual capacity of the device.
- Moreover, in order to compensate for the loss of power that occurs during the transmission of power, i.e. through transmission lines, at nodes and junctions, in transformers, etc., it is preferable to rate the supply above 30% of the realtime capacity.
Its base is in Dutch words, but it was affected by local, European and slave languages.
Afrikaans which is the official language people used during the apartheid era is known to have evolved during the 19th century in Southern Africa. The language is said to have its roots mainly in Dutch, then mixed with Khoekhoe, San languages and Portuguese.
Since the language is associated with white speakers, it was then concluded that it was a “white language”.
C. request that the king consider granting independence to the established colonies.