Diamonds intensify civil wars by financing militaries and rebel militias. diamond wealth. Rival groups also fight with each other to control diamond-rich territory. The tragic result is bloodshed, loss of life, and shocking human rights abuses – from abuse to the use of child soldiers.
Intro: No I do not think that books should be banned, if people do not want their child to get a hold of or read this content then keep it out of their reach. And if you, an adult, doesn’t want to read it. Then don’t.
Answer: the hands of men, women, and children were amputated when the quota of rubber was not met in millions of the Congolese people died.
Explanation: find sources about the Crimes Against Humanity in the Congo Free State. When you right your letter make sure you add a introduction, 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion.
Suffrage, national women suffrage association,19th adminment, prohibition