Zucchini: Zucchini noodles, grilled Zucchini, steamed Zucchini, bake Zucchini in the oven, Saute the Zucchini, boil the Zucchini in a sauce
Spinach: make a Spinach smoothie, cook the Spinach on a stove top, make Spinach soup, saute the Spinach, blend the Spinach into a sauce, make Spinach ravioli, Spinach salad, make Spinach and hummus or veggie wraps, cheesy chicken and Spinach Stromboli ring, creamed Spinach with hazelnuts
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One difference between the Rhesus system and the ABO group system is that Rh negative people don't usually possess antibodies against RhD (unless they have been previously exposed to it), whereas in the ABO group system if the antigen is absent from the red blood cells.
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Musical improvisation (also known as musical extemporization) is the creative activity of immediate ("in the moment") musical composition, which combines performance with communication of emotions and instrumental technique as well as a spontaneous response to other musicians.
First aid is an emergency help given to someone quickly.