Fairy penguins (Eudyptula minor), also known as little penguins, are tiny, slate-blue animals found along the coastlines of southern Australia and New Zealand. Not only are they more colorful than most aquatic birds, but they're also notably smaller, growing to be less than a foot tall and about 2.5 pounds.
<span>in middle-aged populations, taking 1-2 drinks a day may benefit the heart</span>
This is a trace element needed for the synthesis of the two thyroid hormone ; T4- thyroxine and T3-triiodothyronine. Four iodine molecules are added in T4 synthesis, and three for T3 synthesis. Generally T4 is the major hormone produced, but biologically transformed into active form T3.
Iodine majorly and selenium are the two trace elements needed for thyroid hormones synthesis. Therefore required amount of iodine is important in daily diet. iIn adequate supply of this leads to under production of iodine called hypothyroidism. poor brain development ( especially in kids),and goiter.
Sea foods . eggs, poultry seaweeds are rich sources of iodine.
Conversely, when excessive amount is present in the blood, autoimmune thyroid diseases can occur,including cancer developments in the thyroid gland due to hyper cell activities.