The testes create sperm that develops in the epididymis, a coiled tube. After $exual contact, they pass via the oviducts and combine with fluids generated by the prostate gland and seminal vesicles. The sperm then proceed down the urethra to the tip of the shaft, where they are discharged into the genital canal of the female. YW:)
Fatty acid can not be used to make glucose because once glucose is converted to aceltyl coA it can not be converted back to glucose again. The pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction that converts pyruvate to aceyl CoA is an irreversible reaction. Lipid metabolism produced acetyl CoA through beta oxidation, because of this pyruvate and oxaloacetate can not be converted to glucose through gluconeogenesis. Besides, the two carbon atoms in acetyl CoA molecule are lost upon entering the citric acid cycle, thus the acetyl CoA is used for energy.
The correct answer is letter B. <span>Even though an item says fat free it can still contain at least 5 grams of fat per serving. This is the most minimal number of fat content that can be found in different food sources. This is not eliminated totally as these products come from raw materials that use and utilize fat for chemical processes.</span>
Your role is to take care of your body because its the only on you have. Your responsibility is to make sure your body is getting the nutrition and vitamins it needs. Making sure you drink enough water and keep as many chemicals out of your body as you can is a huge key to health. taking care of your body's outsides are just as important as taking care of your body's outsides, as well.