* are interdependent with the other drivers.
* perceive the other drivers as an interference.
* perceive that we and the other drivers have incompatible goals
Driving a car is the act of moving cars around most especially on the road. This is done in order to be able to reach our destination in earnest.
Driving a car could be challenging and frustrating sometimes despite the fact that it is advantageous.
This is because there are so many people that drive recklessly and dangerously, and who intentionally violate the traffic rules, and subsequently causing havoc to the other drivers on the road.
In this case, people become frustrated because they see or perceive the other drivers as an interference, and also perceive that they and the other drivers have incompatible goals.
In 1824
The election8l was decided by the house of representatives which elected John
China is not located in the middle east, it is located in East Asia.
Costco? you mean the grocery/supermarket that is around the corner
Mexico has a supreme power within its territory