listening for gist
Here Sheila is listening to get the gist of how you actually spent your day. Sheila is listening to get the main idea of your explanation on how your day went. Here she filters all the details and says, "aha", "yes" in acknowledgement while she tries to figure out "the highlights" of your day-to-day what actually summarized your day according to your explanations to her.
My behavioral perspective can be applied to my own life because my actions are fueled by my perspective which makes my life my own
Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities on earth and has been destroyed and rebuilt multiple times. Judaism, christianity, and Islam all mark the cite as the location for events that are intrinsic to the founding of each religion. In the Jewish quarter of the city is the Western wall, also called the wailing wall and the dome of the rock which is said to contain the first building block of the earth. It is considered the holiest of holies/
A famous elm tree that stood in boston