Since omni- means all, then we know that omnivores will eat a lot of things
And omnivores do eat both meat and vegetation
a complex series of feeding relationships with many organisms interacting and depending on each other
a) not accompanied by purging
- If a person has episodes of uncontrollable eating then the person is said to have a problem of binge eating.
- When a person shows a tendency of frequent and recurring binge eating then the person is said to have binge eating disorder.
- Binge eating disorder is differentiated from another similar problem which is known as bulimia nervosa.
- In the case of binge eating disorder a person has a tendency of binge eating but without purging, unlike bulimia nervosa where purging is a characteristic feature.
- Purging is an attempt to get rid of the excess food consumed and this attempt is not made in case of binge eating.
your answer would be c) iron deficiency