1) Abraham Lincoln faced the collapse of the union and the abolition of slavery as president
2) Jefferson Davis (1808-1889) was a Mexican war hero, U.S. senator of war and president of the confederate states of war and president of the Confederate states of America for the duration of the American Cilvil War
3) Davis faced difficulties throughout the war as he struggled to manage the southern war effort maintain control the confederate economy and keep new nations united.
The effects of manufacturing and capital on the U.S. economy were profoundly intense. As soon as the Industrial Revolution spread to the US from Britain, US GDP rose dramatically and millions more people were put to work in factories--lifting the middle class.
In 2000, Xerox was in front of insolvency after centuries of
misconduct, loads of debt, and rising questions about its bookkeeping
practices. Grounded on a generation of knowledge with Xerox, she knew
that the business had influential employees who were not interested when she
took over. Mulcahy supposed that among other key company’s changes, inspiring employees at Xerox was a main way to jump start the business back from the edge of failure. One of her supervisory principles was a faith that in order to attain customer satisfaction, staffs must be involved and driven in their work. Mulcahy not only positively saw the business through this problematic time but also was talented to make a stronger and more absorbed business.
when the people borrowed money to help pay for things many people had already lost their jobs so these people were not able to pay the Bank back. Causing even more chaos because now period people were even more in dept.