When you first fall in love, you experience a rush of hormones to the brain — including oxytocin, the “love hormone,” the “pleasure hormone” dopamine, and sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone. ... This influx of hormones plays a major role in those intense feelings of fluttery excitement, attraction and euphoria.
D, think of chemical changes. When iron rusts it is chemically changed. The other answers are a change in form or a property of iron.
A volcanologist is a geologist who studies the process involved in the formation of a volcano. He also studies the eruptive nature of the volcano along with their current and historic eruptions.
The tasks done by a volcanologist do to study volcanoes are =
1. use autoclaves to imitate the interior of a volcano
2. simulate volcanic explosions with computer programs
3. study lava samples
4. listen to the sounds of the interior of a volcano