A bargain is considered to be void if a court has judged a person to be mentally incompetent at time that the bargain was formed.
The answer is C. Because the Connecticut compromise was an agreement that large and small states reached during the constitutional convention of 1787 that in part defined the legislative structure and representation that each state would have under the United States Constitution.
Renaissance- is a transitional epoch from the Middle Ages to the new age, when there is a sharp rise of European culture. It acquires a more secular character than in the Middle Ages, in the center of art and literature is an active person who absorbs all the features of the world (microcosm-macrocosm), his life acquires an independent value, not Is the moment on the way to eternity. Political Thought (the same Niccolo Machiavelli) is formed, and the civic values of antiquity become an ideal. In socio-economic terms-there is a formation of early capitalist relations, and the bourgeoisie develops as a special layer of society.
The Renaissance, first of all, is observed in the Italian cities-Florence, Venice, Genoa, Pisa, etc., but also in Holland.
Have been born on U.S. soil
C. The first settlement formed along the river.
The Yellow river is the mother river of China. It symbolizes the culture and civilization of China. It is one of the oldest rivers in the world. It was significant to the early development of Chinese civilization. The Yellow river was the platform where agriculture started, and cities began to spring up gradually following the process of irrigation. Yellow River civilization had its roots from the middle and lower basin of the river, and then spread across East Asia to other parts of the Western world. The yellow river was admired by many people due to its historic attraction and amazing scenery.