How does being the oldest, middle, or youngest sibling in your family influence your personality? Open-ended
Under what circumstances would you disobey an authority figure? Open-ended
How could our school increase student morale? Open-ended
Is homework always worthwhile? Close-ended
Do people pay too much attention to celebrities? Close-ended
Would you ever change places with someone else? Close-ended
Open-ended are questions that require you to produce your own answer rather than just answer true or false or yes or no.
Close ended questions require you to just answer with given answers such as a. b. c. d., true/false etc.
Distress is a type of stress that is negative and usually occurs when the adaptative capacity of the body fails, and the body is not able to return to physiological homeostasis. It puts the body in an aversive state, thereby resulting in the deterioration of the health and performance of an individual.
Examples of factors that could trigger physiological distress include divorce, sickness, mental illness, divorce, traffic congestion etc.
She needs to stay on the phone with 911 and they can explain to her how to do CPR.