Around the waist can be dangerous because to could indicate that you have some other issue, like a heart problem.
Implement strict bed rest and pad the side rails Attach a fall caution bracelet to the patient
In addition, nitrites should be administered to prevent a recurrence of this acute myocardial infarction, perform cardiovascular studies and evaluate the administration of anticoagulants in the event that the etiology has been a transient thrombosis or embolus.
If you want to stop it without using any medication, the best way to do it is by drinking warm herbal liquid like the mixture of warm tea and a little bit of honey or the mixture of warm water with a little bit of salt
If you want to stop it using medication, it's probably best to use the one that contained pepto-bismol or simethicone
I think the second box goes with the pituitary gland
The first box goes with testicle and...
The third box goes with ovary
Hope that was helpful.Thank you!!!