The gatekeeper, teacher is learned with the responsibility of always determining who will talk, when and for how long, as well as the basic direction.
They are in-charge of ensuring that there is sanity, order and decorioum in any class setting. They do this by controlling the noise and the level at which discussion takes place.
They determine who talks and when the person should talk, also handles how long anyone should talk.
There role cannot be over-emphasised at all.
It is not reasonable to say there is a correlation because it is categorical data. However if it was quantitative data, correlation doesn’t always mean causation, because there might be athird variable (lurking variable) that may have a better explanation for the correlation.
Is it not reasonable to say that there's a correlation between the type of car you own and the risk that it will be stolen because it is categorical data. However if it was quantitative data, correlation doesn’t always mean causation, because there might be a third variable that may have a better explanation for the correlation and it might as well means that the third-lurking variable affects the correlation; for example, those cars that are most frequently reported stolen may simply be the cars that are more commonly sold because they are cheaper than the cars that are stolen least often, and thus have a higher chance of being exposed to thieves.
Ur ans is D used more than one common name for the same organism
foreign exchange risk: Alpha Ltd. has taken a loan for increasing its production and sales, but it has not conducted any research before making decision.
Se denomina "privilegios" al conjunto de derechos otorgados a uno o varios individuos a través de leyes especiales, que instauran derechos para los privilegiados y deberes para las autoridades respecto de ellos, en el marco de una discriminación positiva basada en las diferencias de estos individuos respecto del resto de la sociedad.
Un privilegio es un derecho otorgado a una persona, grupo de personas o una organización para otorgarles más o diferentes derechos de los que normalmente se reclaman. En la ley se suele hablar de privilegio cuando éste se ha establecido formalmente. En sociología también puede haber privilegios informales, como el llamado privilegio blanco con respecto a la desigualdad social determinada racialmente.