A threshold level depolarization.
In a neuron, the action potential threshold is known as the point of depolarization where the neuron fires, when the neuron reaches a point, it will fire and if it does not reach the point of depolarization, it will not fire and it helps to transmit the information to another neuron.
A neuron transmits the information with the help of electric impulses which are sent through its axon. When a neuron in an inactive phase, more +ve charged ions recline outside the axon membrane. In the process of stimulation, the axon membrane admits more Na+ ions and providing the neuron more +ve charge.
Object B has more charge than Object A
Generally, unlike charges attract each other and like charges repel each other but it happens in a very rare case when like charges attract each other. It is so due to charge difference between the objects.
In the given example a positively charged ball moves towards positively charged object B because object B has more charge than object A and the ball. Due to large difference in the charges between two positive charges, positive charges are displaced at opposite end and object B get concentrated with negative charges that allows ball to move towards Object B.
Hence, the correct answer is "Object B has more charge than Object A".
The method in which the nurse should recommend the patient
having dyspareunia in having to diminish the discomfort is to advise the
patient to increase stimulation in the foreskin before having to mate with her partner. Another way is to have a lubrication to be applied in order
to lessen the discomfort in which the client may have experienced.
Prey selection within a specie of western garter snakes across a wide range in California is a genetically based behavioral variation.