First of as Japan is an island nation set on an archipelago.
The area on which they could grow food was limited but thanks to plenty of rain
and an agreeable climate they made the best of what they had. Unfortunately,
the frequent earthquakes can also cause tsunamis and cause huge devastation. In cultural
and political sense this geographic location helped Japan protect their
nation and also helped them preserve and foster their cultural identity while
the sea routes allowed for good trading opportunities.
no because he was born in Virginia and he was the writer of the declaration of independence.
Answers: one; another. This is an important distinction. Different governments have a different reason to tackle the same public problem.
Even though the problem could be the same, the governments usually respond to their citizens believes, cultural traditions and history and every case are unique. Therefore the WHY consider different reasons. The HOW is more related to available resources and capabilities. Different governments have different stock of resources and skills to tackle the same public problem, therefore, the implemented solution could have unique traits. As a summary, WHY are linked to citizen preferences, cultural traditions or history, and HOW are related to available resources and capabilities