d. active involement in the goverment processes and the community
No one necessarily won the massacre. The British just pointed some guns, and then colonists got angry and threw some rocks. The British then shot 5 people on the colonists’ side, to protect themselves. After that, the Colonists just became mad as well as the Brits. So in the end, no one really won, but a couple people on both sides got injured.
One reason why the U.S govt forced the cherokee to give up there land was because the U.S wanted to move west towards califonia because there was gold there during the ''gold rush''.to answer the second question yes the process did kid of help because it created the suburbs for the settlers that moved west over time.
Deflation would be the biggest problem, deflation is the depreciation of money. Another way to look at it is that if you have a surplus of something it will have less value.
I hope this helped!