A mutation is generally referred to as certain alternations in the gene whether it may be DNA sequences, which may be beneficial, harmful or of no significance to the mutant gene bearing organisms.
- A mutation that increases the ability to store moisture in a dry environment is obviously beneficial. Because it prevents dehydration and maintains normal functioning in spite of adverse conditions.
- A color mutation that decreases a bird's chances of sexual selection is beneficial in the sense that it prevent certain abnormalities in offspring like sexual dimorphism. Also sexual selection often proves to be a threat to the survival of the organisms as per handicap principle.
- A mutation in non coding region of DNA is harmful, as it is often observed to facilitate expression of wrong proteins at inappropriate places.
- A mutation in the that does not changes protein synthesis increased white pigmentation on a prey animal in snowy environment as it had prevented adaption of the prey and hence harmful for survival of it.
- A mutation decreasing plant's height in competition to light, makes them less exposed to sun energy important for photosynthesis and hence it is harmful for the plant.
Not all matter and waves move the same direction, some do though
transverse wave--matter in the medium moves back and forth at right angles to the direction that the wave travels
compressional wave--matter in the medium moves back and forth along the same direction that the wave travels
the rabbit hears it means it's scared so the response is the is that if the rabbit runs his actions are very reactive
Wheres the multiple choice question?
Answer: Option A) Parathyroid glands
The Parathyroid gland located in the neck region helps in the secretion of an hormone called Parathormone.
This hormone helps to raise the levels of calcium ions in the body, by preventing the loss of calcium ions through urine, and also preventing excess deposit of calcium ions in the bone, thus regulating bone density.