A two year college may also have a vocational technical side beside the associate degree.
Vo-tech careers can take 12-24 months of study; examples culinary arts, house construction, vet tech, cosmetology. Certificate programs are also available for learning specific computer programs, project management, or health aide.
You might want to check out Pensacola State college for a good look.
The answer is B, both capital expenditure and dividends paid.
In the Statement os Cash Flow, cash provided by operating activities fails to take into account that a company must invest in a new property, plant, and equipment and must maintain dividends at current levels to satisfy investors.
Free cash flow describer the net cash provided by operating activities after adjusting for capital expenditures and dividens paid.
Interest rates would rise.
There would be a decrease in the amount of loanable funds borrowed.
if the government were to increase the tax on interest income, a reduction in the amount of funds borrowed would happen because the cost of borrowing would then become higher and people would have to pay more than they would have paid for every amount borrowed