Lip singing it and doing good by that i guess
The most important factor in improving reading skill is to create goals for your reading. This includes the determination of why you are reading something. A goal could be something like finding the main idea about a reading topic or locating the supporting details for that topic.
Roles, needs and diversity affect teamwork because of individual differences. In Sociology, roles are what an individual does when he/she is in this aspect or setting. Needs are what an individual has to have in order to survive. Diversity is where individuals have different backgrounds. When these are understood, teamwork can flourish and ideas can be significant.
FDR had been stirring up conflicts in Europe since around 1935 in the hopes of getting the United States involved in a war to create jobs after his New Deal programs failed.
The war in Europe didn't involve United States' interests, and so Congress wouldn't give FDR the green light.
To force their hand, he arranged for oil embargoes around the Pacific and then lured Japan to America with promises of much-needed oil.
First, however, they were required to purchases licenses to buy the oil and then Roosevelt reneged on selling them at the last minute. This infuriated the Japanese, provoking them into attacking Pearl Harbor.
In doing this, FDR's provocation of Japan to attack the US was an act of treason.
The answer is below
While social media is great place for everyone including teachers to express themselves, share moments and at the same time, record our life occurrence as we may see fit. Teachers, needs to be concerned of some pitfalls out there, when using social media. These includes:
1. Teachers should be aware of their senior colleagues and even students having access to what they post on social media, as this may go a long way in changing the opinions or perception of how people see them.
2. Teachers should also be concerned about posting the school or classroom experience on social media, as they may be infringing the privacy rights of their students or colleagues unknowingly.
3. Teachers should also be aware of students or even colleagues privacy rights when also posting on students or teachers group page.