10,000 Jews arrive in Krakow each day.
- Web Browsers,
- Digital Satellite Television,
- Streaming Audio and,
- Text Messaging
The first web browser was launched in 1990 and was known as WorldWideWeb. To avoid confusion, it was later renamed the Nexus Browser. It was created by none other than the inventor of the World Wide Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee.
The first Digital Satellite broadcasts were dated in 1994 in the United States.
The first known text message ever sent was in 1992 when a 22 year old man known as Neil Papworth used his personal computer to send the first characters ever to be sent by text messaging, "Merry Christmas". Mr. Papworth was an engineer working in the United Kingdom at the time.
Streaming Audio also debuted in the '90s although no definite date is given.
Answer: Development Studies is a multidisciplinary subject that icludes history, geography, economics, sociology and political science. Development has different aspects such as social, political, economic, cultural, environmental, etc. As such, development is a complex and multi-dimensional process, so advocates for Development Studies argue strongly for integration of the above mentioned subjects to solve development problems. They also see divisions in subjects as artificial and arbitrary; life, on the other hand, is not lived in compartments into which we divide knowledge for convenience.
*Students of Development Studies study the kind of changes- social, political, economic, cultural- which took place and which are taking place today in their countries and around the world.
They understand why those changes are occuring and how they can be a useful part in those changes
It equips students with intellectual and social skills required for responsible citizenship
develop attitudes and values conducive to social harmony, national unity and economic progress.