A market for existing financial securities that are currently traded among investors is called the Secondary market.
A secondary market is a market for the purchase and sale of existing securities or other assets. They differ from primary markets, where the assets were created. Generally, most investors will only trade on secondary markets.
Transactions in the secondary market are undertaken with other investors rather than the security issuer. The procedure is comparable to buying products from the classifieds or a used car from a dealership rather than the manufacturer.
Stocks and bonds purchased in a retirement plan or through a brokerage account, for example, are traded on secondary markets.
Assume you have two portfolios: one through an employee stock ownership plan and the other through a discount brokerage. The main market transaction occurs when you purchase stock directly from the corporation, like in the first plan. It is a secondary market transaction when you buy in a discount brokerage account through stock exchanges.
Learn more about Secondary Markets here:
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Healthcare practitioners & supporters and Management have highest percentage increase anticipated.
The Healthcare practitioners have most demand in the market is because of the fact that developing countries have higher demand for these jobs and thus they show highest growth.
On the other hand, management is the backbone of the company. We can not imagine a company without management. Hence their is an increased demand in management operations. If the GDP of the country is growing then it means the business is growing and their is increased demand for the management jobs.
The automation will affect most of the difficult jobs and would increase efficiency in the coming future. The occupations that would be affected will be aggriculture production operations.