1. Product-specific information
2. Footnote with daily values
The objective of the “Nutrition Facts” label is to provide information that enables the consumers to have healthy eating habits, and also to improve the nutritional value of the foods. The Nutrition Facts information is required by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). This label can be divided into two parts: 1- product-specific information, which includes calories, serving size, and nutrient information, and 2- footnote with daily values for 2,000-2,500 calorie diets, which indicates the percentage of each nutrient in a single serving.
By my reckoning, as a professional in healthcare, I'd answer your question that way:
All health professionals have a duty to provide this type of service, giving emphasis on preventive medicine since prevention will always be better than cure - better safe than sorry - but of course, it's clear that family doctors have much more opportunities to provide these kinds of service than those who have specialized areas.