Bad instruments will not have a good sound. Good quality equipment will last longer.
B. Prevent injury
Always important
Forensic DNA analysis is used to match two samples of DNA, and that's why it's so important.
The use of DNA to establish identities in connection with legal matters, such as crimes.
Sorry for the short answer, but I don't know too much about DNA analysis. Just in case that your really-really needed this answer, now you have it. I will do some additional research and I'll add more information, though comments, as I receive them.
Short-term effects of smoking may include the following:
"<span>Addiction to nicotine and exposure to dangerous chemicals"
"</span><span>More breathing problems"
"</span><span>Shortness of breath, phlegm, and a coarse cough"
"</span><span>Impaired lung growth and function"
"</span><span>Bad breath, yellow teeth, and stained fingers"
"</span><span>Foul-smelling clothes and hair<span>2"
Long-term effects may include the following:
"<span>Addiction to nicotine and exposure to dangerous chemicals"
"<span>Lung, mouth, throat, kidney, and stomach cancers"
"<span>Heart disease"
"<span>Impaired immune systems"
"</span><span>Emphysema and other chronic diseases"
"</span><span>Shorter lifespan (up to 20 years shorter)<span>3"
Quoted answers are NOT mine! There's a reason why they're quoted.
All credits reserved to their owners.
Further information / my sources may be provided at:
Please, if you or someone you know is smoking/just got into smoking. Please stop yourself/them. The effects can be catastrophic if not handled/stopped soon. </span></span>
To prevent the risk of injury from slips, trips and falls due to clutter, you should organize storage areas and secure cords and cables.
Both of the things would need to be safely maintained to prevent injuries. Storage areas would need to be kept clean and tidy so that no potential hazard is created, and this can occur if the storage area is disorganized. Cords and cables would need to be secure in order to not trip over them. They should be kept out of the way and mainly placed together in an area where it's less likely to cause an accident.