England, Scotland, Ireland and France. In other words, A.
Robert Stigwood's film A. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band opened in theaters in 1978.
It is a musical comedy film inspired by the Beatle's album with the same name. There were mixed reviews about it, calling it barely watchable or embarrassing. Since it is a fantasy film, it can be generally looked at with a bad eye since the representation of the Beatles is somewhat whimsical.
Overall it has a 12% rating on Rotten Tomatoes but a 44% rating by moviegoers which can be understood by their praise about its music.
Check explanation.(esp. last part of the Explanation section).
I must confess to you, this question is somehow tricky, but no matter what we are smarter! This question is based on acid base extraction. the organic solvent diethyl ether is the organic base while H2O is the neutral (that is water is acting as a neutral medium). When the hexanoic acid [CH3(CH2)4CO2H is added and mixed with organic solvent diethyl ether and water. The ether which is at the top layer contains the [CH3(CH2)4CO2H and the water which is at the buttom contains [CH3(CH2)4COO- in which a proton is taken away from [CH3(CH2)4COOH through the addition of
So, what is tricky about the question? The fact that there are two media makes it tricky if we go for water phase as [CH3(CH2)4COO- and if we go for ether phase as [CH3(CH2)4COOH, they are both right. So, both are correct but in this question ether phase as [CH3(CH2)4COOH will be appropriate here.
im not butt thats a gerogus pic