True, because if it comes from an unreliable place then it's not gonna help
People tried to change the minds of other by pathos, evoking feelings, brainwashing the youth which was the next generation, protest/marches, and unification
Thomas edison was important to the turn of the century, not only for the light bulb, but for also discovering electricity, which allowed US eay to communicate. Also, the elictric company eas founded Con Edison
Metal is a good conductor of heat but air is a poor conductor of heat.
Touching the metal sides of the oven can be harmful while holding our hand briefly in the oven air is okay. This tells us about the relative conductivities of metal and air <em>that metal is a good conductor of heat but air is a poor conductor of heat</em>. Conduction is the transference of heat through physical contact. Not all materials conduct heat in the same way. The best conductors of heat are metals and stone.