Positive psychology has been successful in drawing attention to the fact that psychologists had overlooked what makes life worth living.
At first the relationship between positive psychology and humanistic psychology was difficult. But as positive psychology has developed and matured it is clear that the idea we should be concerned with what makes for a good life was an idea also at the core of humanistic psychology in the 1950’s and 1960’s.
Humanistic psychology developed around the middle of the twentieth century in part to address the fact that the previous ways of thinking in psychoanalysis and behaviourism had not been concerned with the full range of functioning.
After a workout, your body needs time to rest and repair itself from the previous workout. According to the Mayo Clinic, running too far too often, lifting too much weight or simply pushing yourself too far can lead to muscle strains and sprains, shin splints, and stress fractures.
Not to be rude but got to be honest
Smile it bring the cute in people
and I want your eyes here let’s trade
dynamic stretch
The type of stretch that is best suited as part of a cool down is static stress; dynamic stretch on the other hand is best included as part of a warm up. Regular stretch exercises help to improve flexibility, increases range of motion, and decreases the risk of injury.