Corrected carbon dioxide is formed when oxygen atoms form with carbon atoms
Anaerobic, fast twitch muscle fibres (or white fibres as they are known) as they provide large amounts of power over a short period of time
If the cell membrane does not function normally it allows abnormal movement of substance in and out of the cell, lets take for example the movement of water of plasma membrane allows water to get in into the cell more than what is needed it might cause the bursting of the cell or if it allows water from the cell to get out and leaves only solute within this will cause shrinking of the cell wherein both conditions are abnormal
I don't know what you have to choose from, but it has to be somewhere along the lines of your elbow bending to approximately a 90 degree angle and then straightening your arm out again. And you back, hips, waist, and posterior cannot be arched.
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, and a range of lifelong physical, behavioral, and intellectual disabilities. These disabilities are known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders