for (scores.Entry<String, Integer> entry : scores.entrySet()) {
int value=0; String key="Rambo";
String k = entry.getKey();
int v = entry.getValue();
if (v>value)
value =v;
for( scores.Entry<String, Integer> entry : scores.entrySet())
if( entry.getValue()==value)
System.out.println("Key = " + entry.getKey() + ", Value = " + entry.getValue());
The above scores are an object of Map type. And this is a parameter of findUopStudent function. So scores is a Map, and entry is an item. And we get its key and value. Now we compare each value using senteniel method and find the maximum value. Now we iterate through the scores using for the look and check the value of each entry against the maximum value found, and we print out the entry with maximum value. And that is the top student, which is required.
- public class Window {
- int width;
- int height;
- public Window(int width, int height){
- this.width = width;
- this.height = height;
- }
- public int getWidth(){
- return width;
- }
- public int getHeight(){
- return height;
- }
- public int getClientAreaHeight(){
- return getHeight();
- }
- }
- public class Main {
- public static void main (String [] args) {
- Window win1 = new Window(12, 15);
- System.out.println(win1.getClientAreaHeight());
- }
- }
There is a Window class with two int type attributes, width and height (Line 1 - 3).
The constructor of this class will take two inputs, width and height and set these input to its attributes (Line 5 - 8). There are two methods getWidth and getHeight which will return the value of attributes width and height, respectively (Line 10 - 16).
The required new method getClientAreaHeight is defined in line 18 -20. This method will call the getHeight method to return the height value of the window (Line 19).
We test the Window class by creating one Window instance and call the getClientAreaHeight method and print the return output (Line 1 -6).
We shall see 15 is printed.
C) A quarter was worth less than is used to be.
I got this answer wrong when I chose B.
Option E is correct.
While the user's server forms of the specific domain Active Directory. His corporation also partnered with some firms recently. The obtained corporation seems to have a multi-domain Active Directory server for both areas, both domain operators use the following Windows Servers. This was assigned the responsibility of proposing improvements to the Active Directory system.
He needs users of all corporations will gain exposure with each other's services, however, he wants to reduce logistical activity to achieve. Thus, he would build a two-way forest relationship between both the two roots forest domains.