A river gives the inhabitants a reliable source of water for drinking and agriculture. Additional benefits include fishing, fertile soil due to annual flooding, and ease of transportation. The first great civilizations, such as those in Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt, all grew up in river valleys.
Sparta was a main military power in Greece, all the focus was on military. In Athens, while the military was important, the arts, litiature, and philosophy where also highly valued, where in Sparta, these where considered wastefulness pastimes.
The correct answer is option D.
A change in the quantity demanded is shown by a movement along the same demand curve. A change in quantity demanded happens because of a change in the price of the commodity while other factors affecting demand remain constant.
A change in the demand is shown by a shift in the demand curve. It happens when the price level remains the same but other factors change.
The other factors affecting demand for a commodity are the income of the consumer, population, tastes, and preferences, etc.