Predictive models
Predictive modeling uses statistics to predict outcomes. It can be applied to any type of unknown event, regardless of when it occurred.
The adjusting entry on 31st July will be;
Salaries Expense (Dr.) $480
Salaries Payable (Cr.) $480
Molly Mocha hires one student who works for 5 days and is paid on Monday. The student who has started working on 28th July Monday then he has worked till 1st August Friday. The adjusting entry need to be made on Thursday 31st July. The student is paid $120 per day so for 4 days of working it will be $120 * 4 days till 31st July. Since Molly Mocha pays salaries on following Monday it should record salaries expense as debit and salaries payable as credit in its accounts.
Not the place to be asking but at this point they are pretty well known.
A team is linked to the organization's hierarchy,
with some shift of power to team; the leader has limited managerial power;
decision-making is consultative, democratic, or by consensus
The market mechanism benefits society by ensuring that: <span>scarce resources are channeled into products most desired by society
Market mechanism determines which products stays or go by relying purely on the force of supply and demand. If the products are desired by the customers, the producer will always keep up with the demand in order to rake in the potential profit.</span>