A republic, according to Madison, differs from a democracy in that its power is delegated to representatives, allowing it to cover a greater territory. According to the theory, there will be more "fit characters" available for each delegate in a vast republic.
Madison pushed vehemently in favor of a robust national government that would bring the nation together. The draft of the United States Constitution was finally ratified on September 17, 1787, after the Convention's participants met in secret throughout the summer.
One of Madison's major contributions as a conscientious and committed public worker was his support for the Virginia Declaration of Rights and the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, as well as his work with Alexander Hamilton on the United States Constitution and the creation of the Bill of Rights. Madison supported the separation of powers, checks and balances, bicameralism, and federalism constitutional concepts at the Constitutional Convention because they would keep government in check and safeguard individual liberty.
To know more about Madison here