This is rationalising the denominator of an imaginary fraction. We want to remove all i's from the denominator.
To do this, we multiply the fraction by 1. However 1 can be expressed in an infinite number of ways. For example, 1 = 2/2 = 3/3 = 4n^2 / 4n^2 (assuming n is not zero!). Let's express 1 as the complex conjugate of the denominator, divided by the complex conjugate of the denominator.
The complex conjugate of (3 - 2i) is (3 + 2i). Then do what I just said:
4/(3-2i) * (3+2i)/(3+2i) = 4(3+2i)/(3-2i)(3+2i) = (12+8i)/(9-4i^2) = (12+8i)/(9+4) = (12+8i)/13
This is the answer you are looking for. I hope this helps :)

The required zeroes are ~

Let's equate the given polynomial with 0, to find its roots ~
that is ~
there are two cases,
Case # 1 - when (x + √3) = 0
Case # 2 - when (x - √3) = 0
1. a. Weak
2. r^2=0.0169
The variation in the price of the wine explained by the variation in the weight of the bottle is 1.69%.
Step-by-step explanation:
The correlation between the weight of the wine bottles and the price of the wine is r=0.13.
The values for r goes from r=-1, where a perfect negative correlation to r=1 for a perfect positive correlation. The value r=0 indicates no correlation at all.
Then, a value of r close to 0 indicates very weak correlation between the two variables.
The value for r^2 in this case is:

The value of r2 can be interpreted as the proportion of the variation in the dependant variable explained by the independent vairable. In this case, the variation in the price of the wine explained by the variation in the weight of the bottle is 1.69%, which is very close to 0.
First i dont know what is the meaning of the mmc098-2.jpg, mmc098-3.jpg and <span>mmc098-4.jpg. but base from what you had written is a set of equation where you solve the values of each variables. but unfortunately i cant solved it because of what you have written there. please give me the correct equation so i can solve it</span>