Answer? 1) Yes, it is a bit ironic. If a company has an Ethics program that's comprehensive enough, executives should not have to be caught in business criminal activities.
2.) First let's talk about Ethics programs. These are basically programs that embody the business philosophies of a company such that every stakeholder understand how business is run in the company. It basically defines to employees, staff, investors, vendors and customers the rules of Business Ethics as defined by the firm, from the maximum amount of tips to collect from customers to how intimate employees get with clients so that there's no confusion. Now, all this is to clarify but the question here is how effective was the program if criminal activity was discovered? It's simple. The most comprehensive Ethics programs can't control human circumstantial behaviour. As clear as rules may be, they are always still broken. And this is because, with humans, there an infinite number of things to put into consideration, most of which won't always follow rules. One may be 100% compliant with said rules but find themselves weak to give in at some point for any possible reason the person deemed more important than upholding the companies ethics. In other words, these rules are held by the people it binds and the delivery will always be subjective. Whenever it is deemed unfavorable to uphold, it most likely will be dropped.
Therefore, it might have been the most effective and comprehensive Ethics program in the world but only as effective as the executives demmed it subjectively.
A. Literacy rates increased
Before the Gutenberg press was created, people depended on the priest or the literates to read to them about the bible or the news. They were not telling the truth about what the bible really said, and used people's fear to make them buy Indulagence. However, Martin Luther was against this and wrote books preaching against the church. A way to get these new teachings to the people was to make many copies of them by using the Gutenberg press.
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Answer: Segmented assimilation
Segmented assimilation arises to break with the idea of the absence of factors such as social context, family, religion in the migration of Americans, that is, that people who are in another country do not have the influence of certain factors for its development. People who migrate to another place face a different society and that in one way or another will affect the way they behave and their development in general. Both internal and external factors play fundamental roles.
In the case of Mary and Patrick, you can see a good example of segmented assimilation. While it is true that both are immigrants and have command of the English language, other factors are key and come into play in the performance of each in the school. On the one hand, Mary has good grades and a good job, on the other hand, Patrick does not do well in school and only earns the minimum in his work. Within assimilation, each of them falls can be located in the various types of assimilation that exist. Mary is located in upward assimilation, where through her studies and work she has been able to achieve a better lifestyle and is integrated into the mainstream economy, while Patrick is in the downward assimilation, where he remains in the lower levels of social class.