Because genes must be able to adapt to either the internal or exterior environment, they are regulated. Since DNA duplication begins with transcription, there are benefits to controlling transcription precisely.
The process of activating and deactivating genes is referred to as gene regulation. During development, genes are turned on and off in various patterns to give a brain cell a different appearance and behaviour from a liver cell or a muscle cell. There are two types of control . Limiting the amount of mRNA that can be created from a single gene is one way to control transcription. Another way is through post-transcriptional processes that affect how mRNA is translated into proteins.
Recessive. I don't know the topic of your question so I dont fully know. but if you are talking about dominant and receive then white would be a receive gene.
Feral cats threaten<span> the survival of over </span>100<span> native </span>species in Australia<span>. They have caused the extinction of some ground-dwelling birds and small to medium-sized mammals. </span>