Pork Barrel
Pork Barrel is a derogatory term rooted in American English and refers to the allocation of the resources to a small segment of people in exchange for political support, which are funded by a larger community. Since the 1880's the pork-barrel politics is represented in the executive and legislative branch of the United States. When a government leader use resources in localized projects and in his area of influence and the cost of which is beard by common taxpayers it is denoted by the metaphor Pork Barrel politics.
A group of plants in the genus Pueraria, in the pea family Fabaceae, subfamily Faboideae.
The answer to the question is that your social capital hasn’t expanded, or that you lost your chance to expand your social capital.
Social capital is defined as<em> resources that an individual gain by interacting with other people, which can come in the form of tangible and non-tangible resources, such as monetary aid, information, and ideas</em>. By not interacting with the police forces that were invited in the party, the individual in the question lost his chance to gain social capital to help him find a job in the criminal justice field.
Family responsibility discrimination
Family responsibility discrimination is a discrimination shown to any employee of an organisation based on the responsibilities shown by the employee towards his family.
It is also known as caregiver discrimination. It is discrimination shown against an employee for the family care giving responsibilities.
Almost all the employee is or will be a care giver to their family. They include pregnant women, fathers, mothers, persons who have sick or ageing parents or sick children or spouse, etc. All of them can be targeted for care giving discrimination at the organisations.
Theses employees can be demoted, harassed or even terminated.
Thus the law which supports the employee's claim is ---
Family responsibility discrimination