Foreign uncontrollable environmental elements
The unwritten rule is a foreign uncontrollable environmental element that affects the cultural environment of the factory. As a manager, James cannot control or influence this type of events or circumstances, and instead must adapt his facility's operations.
Producers and consumers :)
Market economies are run by buyers and sellers, there is no government involved.
<u>sell the stock which will drive it's expected return even lower.</u>
An investor wants to be compensated for the risk undertaken in the form of return. When investors believe that a stock is not providing sufficient return, such stocks would be sold by the investor.
When a stock is not performing well i.e it's current market price goes down, all the investors holding that stock will sell it , leading to it's market price going further down.
Since the market price goes further down, the expected return on such a stock would further decline.
Answer & Explanation:
Modiglani's Life cycle Hypothesis depicts spending & consumption pattern of people, in order to stabilise / or smoothen their consumprtion. The theory has following phases :
- Early (Non Working) Age, Low Income stage : Borrowings are done, to cover up for lack of income that yields desirable stable consumption level.
- Youth, Earning (Working) Age : Savings are done, through surplus of income level over desirable stable consumption level.
- Old, Post retirement (Non working age) : Dissavings are done, funds from previous savings are used to cover for lack of income that yields desirable stable consumption level.
Implication rate for entire economy saving rate : It implies that economy's savings rate is high, if more population comprises of middle aged working population.