The reflex arc follows this sequence of events
1. sensory receptor activation
2. sensory neuron activation
3.information processing
4. motor neuron activation
5. effector response
Reflex arc is the pathway of nerves during a reflex action. An example of a reflex arc is when we accidentally touch a hot object. First, the receptor in the skin detects a stimulus in this case the change in temperature. Second, the sensory neuron transmit the electrical impulses to the Central Nervous System for information processing. Then relay neurons connect sensory neurons to motor neurons. Third, motor neurons sends electrical impulses to an effector wherein the effector produces a response ( muscle contracts to move the hand away from the hot object. This happens in a split of seconds.
Must have lived before.
For an organism to be classified as once living, an object must have been part of a living organism or is now dead. When a flower is plucked from a plant it is hard to distinguish between when it is considered alive and when it is now considered once living. An example of a nonliving object is an apple or a dead leaf.Apr 22, 2013
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I'm going to go with a mixture sorry If this is wrong
the male and female reproductive systems are important so that we can keep the planet populated and have families.