Enzymes can be denatured by irregular PH. Meaning that they can change shape. Enzymes rely on their shape in order to function so if their shapes change because of the PH then the active sites don't fit anymore and they enzymes wont work.
A woman with type A blood (whose father was type O) meaning her genotype is AO mates with
Man that has type O blood (OO genotype)
Both are heterozygous for MN blood group and both also heterozygous for the FUT1 gene controlling the synthesis of the H substance (Hh)- which determines the expression of the A and B antigen.
A O M N H h
O AO OO N MN NN h Hh hh
Type A- 1/2 O-1/2 type M- 1/4 MN-1/2 N- 1/4, type H- 3/4 h-1/4
Type A with M antigen:
1/2*1/4*3/4 = 3/32
Type A with M and N antigens:
1/2*1/2*3/4 = 3/16
Type A with N antigen:
1/2*1/4*3/4 = 3/32
Type O with M antigen:
1/2*1/4*3/4= 3/32
Type O with M and N antigens:
1/2*1/2*3/4 = 3/16
Type O with N antigen:
1/2*1/4*3/4 = 3/32.
The 3/4 value comes from the expression of Hh-3/4 (this determines if the A and B Angie will be expressed).
The human erythrocyte adopts a distinctive biconcave disc form in vivo. ... It has been suggested that this shape maximises the surface area to volume ratio and thus expedites diffusion.
I believe that ones sense of civic duty and apathy are attitudes that are usually acquired from ones parents. A sense of civic duty is influenced by deeply rooted personality traits. Parents play a vital role in determining the sense of civic duty and apathy, because they are responsible for the upbringing of a individual and teach the kids on how to relate with other people.
a. establishment of left-right asymmetry
- Cardiac looping is the process in which the heart transforms itself from a straight embryonic heart into a loop that is wounded helically.
- The looping of the heart takes place on the 23rd day of development.
- As a result of this looping, there is bending of the cranial portion of the heart to the towards the right end and the caudal portion of the heart towards the left end.
- At the end of this looping the atrium takes up a dorsal and cranial position and the ventricle is displaced towards left.
- Thus, the outcome of looping is the establishment of left-right asymmetry.