1 one is correct.....he never think about linkage......later after chromosome mapping it was found that Mendel was lucky that they don't show much linkage !
Today, one second is defined as “9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom”. That's a mouthful.
C Phloem transports glucose to the plant, and stomata release oxygen
A Stomata take in water,sunlight, and carbon dioxide and release oxygen - this is false, the stomata are for gas exchange (taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen). They do not take in water and sunlight
B Phloem transports water, stomata take in carbon dioxide, and chlorophyll absorbs sunlight - this is false, while it is true that stomata take in carbon dioxide, and chlorophyll absorbs sunlight. phloem does not transport water, that is the xylem.
C Phloem transports glucose to the plant, and stomata release oxygen - this is true. Stomata takes in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, and phloem transport the products of photosynthesis throughout the plant
D Xylem takes in water, sunlight and carbon dioxide and releases oxygen - this is false. Xylem does take in water, but not sunlight, carbon dioxide or oxygen
Rapid environmental changes can cause:
1) Species can become vulnerable to extinction.
2) A decrease or increase of populations.
3) Diversity of species.