sig figs: 0.9411 mole of water
The person who is behind the boat will see much powerful and bigger waves than the person who is in front of the boat. This phenomenon is caused by the Doppler effect which describes the changes in the observed frequency of a wave whenever there is relative motion between the wave source and the observer.
bottom right top left fig
I can give you the definition ... That might help cause I honestly don't kno the answer either ;-;
When used as a diacritic mark, the term dot is usually reserved for the interpunct, or to the glyphs 'combining dot above' and 'combining dot below' which may be combined with some letters of the extended Latin alphabets in use in Central European languages and Vietnamese.
Here is an example:
The dot product between a unit vector and itself is also simple to compute. In this case, the angle is zero and cosθ=1. Given that the vectors are all of length one, the dot products are i⋅i=j⋅j=k⋅k=1.