Well. You might have already thought of this but you can eat healthy foods like greens. And you can also exercise like stretching or going out for a 30 minutes run every day. These two thing do help your emun system witch fights off diseases. Also helpes you not get them as easaly
"Nicolas Appert is the one food service entrepreneur among the choices given that <span>is accredited with discovering an effective way of preserving foods. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the second option or option "B". I hope the answer has helped you.</span>
Blood alcohol content (BAC) is a measure of the amount of alcohol that is present the blood.
A heavier person will have a lower blood alcohol level due to a greater amount of water in their body. The more a person weigh, the more water he/she tends to have in his/her body. The water has a diluting effect on the alcohol so the BAC will be lower in comparison with person who is slimmer and has less water in the body.