You can write up a petition or raise money for the school. If you raise enough money then it can put the P.E class back on track. Without Physical Education your classmates will gain weight and not know how to eat and live healthily.
Social conformity can peer pressure you, self discipline can influence you do date or not deciding on what you believe you deserve. And impulse versus delayed gratification can influence you by making drastic and not very though out decisions.
Answer: I don’t know but i will try my best. 1. Soccer, it gives you foot work. 2. Volley ball, it helps with your arms. 3. Swimmin, it helps you hold your breath also it helps you, if you are about to drown you can swim to the shore or something like that. 4. Baseball, it helps you to punch some one. Ha!!! One more. 5. Running, it helps all the parts where your legs are and helps you run fast if you do it every day.
Explanation: p.s. I am only 10