After you submit your loan application, the lender does an extensive check on your finances and credit record. If everything checks out, the lender will state the exact amount they're willing to loan you. The preapproval is good for a set amount of time, usually 60–90 days.
£350 because 420/6 is 70 and 70*5 is 350
So, since there is an equal chance to roll any number on a six sided die, that means the chance of rolling any one number is one out of 6 or 1/6. You can see that with a diagram. Now, rolling two different numbers in a specific order you can tell with a diagram is 1/36.
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
is the smallest minor arc.
The midpoint is the middle, which is the average. So you would do 6.9+1.7 which is 8.6 then divide it by 2, giving you the answer 4.3.
4.3 inches of rainfall is the midpoint