Here you go.
Canada has seen strong gains in cross-border trade in the NAFTA era: U.S. and Mexican investment in Canada has tripled since 1993. U.S. spending, accounting for more than half of Canada's FDI portfolio, rose from $70 billion in 1993 to more than $368 billion in 2013.
A. The government consisted of an assembly, a council, and courts.
C. Only free adult males made up the assembly.
D. The citizens elected leaders to discuss important matters.
E. Women, slaves, and foreigners were not allowed to participate.
Around 594 to 321 BC, in the Athenian polis, there was a democratic form of government. It is called the world's first democratic system. Any citizen had the right (and even the obligation) to participate in the work of the National Assembly. As it is noted by experts, in the heyday of Athenian democracy, about a third of citizens simultaneously held one or another public office.
Ancient Greek democracy was a limited democracy of only free citizens, leaving without the political rights slaves and women, who constituted the vast majority of the population; this ancient democracy was slave-owning democracy.
The national assembly met every 8-9 days, and several thousand people took part in it. Between the meetings of the ecclesia, the “council of five hundred,” was engaged in current affairs. Members of the council were elected by lot of citizens no younger than 30 years old. Litigation was heard in a "jury trial." It consisted of 6,000 people who were chosen by lot.
Columbus departed from Castilian palos de la frontera to find a shorted trade rout to india.
The correct answer is letter C.
Deviance is defined as a particular behavior, practice or condition (considered odd, strange or away from the norm) that results in disapproval, hostility or even sanction. Conflict theorists believe that the main causes of crime are economic and social forces that operate within society. The most important question to be asked, according to conflict theorists, regarding deviance is: <u>Which group will be able to translate its values into the rules of society and make them stick?</u>