(x2) 741 OpAmps (Radioshack Catalog #: 276-007)
(x1) 9V Relay (Radioshack Catalog #: 275-005)
(xvar) jumper wires (Radioshack Catalog #: 276-102)
(x2) Heavy duty 9V battery clips (Radioshack Catalog #: 270-324)
(x2) 9V batteries (Radioshack Catalog #: 23-866)
(x1) Prototyping PCB (Radioshack Catalog #: 276-170)
(x1) Piezo Buzzer (Radioshack Catalog #: 273-080)
(x1) 5K Ohm Potentiometer (Radioshack Catalog #: 271-1714)
(x1) Potentiometer cap (Radioshack Catalog #: 274-415)
(x1) 470 Ohm Resistor (Radioshack Catalog #: 271-1317)
(x1) 3" diameter acrylic tube
(x1) Magnet (Radioshack Catalog #: 64-1888)
(xvar) lamp-pull ball-chain
Soldering Iron
Wire Snips
Hot Glue Gun
I used a laser cutter to make my own personal enclosure, but one could easily modify a pre-made project enclosure to suit the needs of this project.
Gender identity is defined as one's own personal experience with their gender. A person's gender identity does not have to correlate with their assigned sex at birth. Caitlin Jenner's quote above agrees with the fact that gender identity does not have to correlate with one's sex organs.
D It would no longer have the insulation of the green house effect from the atmosphere