Imperialism can operate in more subtle forms that are cultural as well as economic.
In general terms, imperialism is the extension of one country's influence into another. Sometimes this can be a conscious process like through diplomacy or military actions as the United States is said to be exercising imperialism in the Middle East in recent decades, but it can also occur in more subtle ways. Like the way that economies around the world are becoming more and more focused in consumerism like the Western model of a free market. Migrating to find work in this sense is not just economic imperialism, it is the product of cultural forces as well where the definition of a higher standard of living is tied to purchasing power and becoming a urban consumer.
There are different types of laws. Federal laws apply to everyone in the United States. State and local laws apply to people who live or work in a particular state, commonwealth, territory, county, city, municipality, town, township or village.
The Aztec empire was taken by the Spaniards
political uncertainty
Political uncertainty refers to a situation when there is no clear acknowledgement on who has the right to govern a certain territory. Civil wars tend to be the main cause of such uncertainty since the current rulers could be overruled by the new ones at any moment.
In terms of business, expanding to a new territory that has political uncertainty usually seen as a risky move. For example, the new government could've just increase the tax rate that couldn't be afforded by the company. Or even worse, just taking the resources by force.
an outgoing of cash
Incomings and outgoings of cash, representing the operating activities of an organization. In accounting, cash flow is the difference in amount of cash available at the beginning of a period (opening balance) and the amount at the end of that period (closing balance).