First, you have to convert 1/4 and 1/3 to have the same denominator.
So, 1/4 x 3 = 3/12. 1/3 x 4 = 4/12.
Now, you can add 3/12 + 4/12 = 7/12.
The answer is D, (y = 8x)
Hope this helps.
Answer for 6 only use 1 scoop of the figaro flakes because it says he wants atleast 4 protein so 12 is at least 4 and "no more" means it can be less so 4 is less then 6 so it all works out . \_(^_^)_/
good luck and much love ❤
3 pounds, 46 ounces is approx 2.875 pounds
quatrolatiral, square, rectangle